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01.013.09    Ila, Sarasvati, Mahi, three Goddesses who bring delight,
01.015.04    Bring the Gods, Agni; in the three appointed places set them down:
01.022.18    Visnu, the Guardian, he whom none deceiveth, made three steps; thenceforth
01.024.13    Bound to three pillars captured Sunahsepa thus to the Aditya made his supplication.
01.032.03    Impetuous as a bull, he chose the Soma and in three sacred beakers drank the juices.
01.034.02    Three are the fellies in your honey-bearing car, that travels after Soma's loved one, as all know.
01.034.02    Three are the pillars set upon it for support: thrice journey ye by night, O Asvins, thrice by day.
01.034.05    Thrice, grant ye us prosperity, thrice grant us fame; for the Sun's daughter hath mounted your three-wheeled car.
01.034.07    Car-borne from far away, O ye Nasatyas, come, like vital air to bodies, come ye to the three.
01.034.08    Thrice, O ye Asvins, with the Seven Mother Streams; three are the jars, the triple offering is prepared.
01.034.08    Three are the worlds, and moving on above the sky ye guard the firm-set vault of heaven through days and nights.
01.034.09    Where are the three wheels of your triple chariot, where are the three seats thereto firmly fastened?
01.035.06    Three heavens there are; two Savitar' s, adjacent: in Yama's world is one, the home of heroes,
01.035.08    The earth's eight points his brightness hath illumined, three desert regions and the Seven Rivers.
01.045.02    Lord of Red Steeds, who lovest song, bring thou those Three-and-Thirty Gods.
01.047.02    Come, O ye Asvins, mounted on your triple car three-seated, beautiful of form
01.072.03    Because with holy oil the pure Ones, Agni, served thee the very pure three autumn seasons,
01.085.12    The shelters which ye have for him who lauds you, bestow them threefold on the man who offers.
01.095.03    Three several places of his birth they honour, in mid-air, in the heaven, and in the waters.
01.102.08    Of thy great might there is a three counterpart, the three earths, Lord men and the three realms of light.
01.105.05    Ye Gods who yonder have your home in the three lucid realms of heaven,
01.116.04    Bhujyu ye bore with winged things, Nasatyas, which for three nights, three days full swiftly travelled,
01.116.04    To the sea's farther shore, the strand of ocean, in three cars, hundred-footed, with six horses.
01.117.24    And Syava, cut into three several pieces, ye brought to life again, O bounteous Asvins.
01.118.02    Your chariot, swifter than the mind of mortal, fleet as the wind, three-seated O ye Mighty.
01.118.02    Come to us with your chariot triple seated, three-wheeled, of triple form, that rolleth lightly.
01.121.04    When the three-pointed one descends with onslaught he opens wide the doors that cause man trouble.
01.122.15    Four youthful sons of Masarsara vex me, three, of the king, the conquering Ayavasa.
01.126.05    An earlier gift for you have I accepted eight cows, good milkers, and three harnessed horses,
01.149.04    He, doubly born, hath spread in his effulgence through the three luminous realms, through all the regions,
01.152.02    The fearful four-edged bolt smites down the three-edged, and those who hate the Gods first fall and perish.
01.154.02    He within whose three wide-extended paces all living creatures have their habitation.
01.154.04    Him whose three places that are filled with sweetness, imperishable, joy as it may list them,
01.154.04    Who verily alone upholds the threefold, the earth, the heaven, and all living creatures.
01.155.04    His who strode, widely pacing, with three steppings forth over the realms of earth for freedom and for life.
01.156.05    Who Maker, throned in three worlds, helps the Aryan man, and gives the worshipper his share of Holy Law.
01.157.03    Nigh to us come the Asvins' lauded three-wheeled car, the car laden with meath and drawn by fleet-foot steeds,
01.157.03    Three-seated, opulent, bestowing all delight. may it bring weal to us, to cattle and to men.
01.163.03    Thou art divided thoroughly from Soma. They say thou hast three bonds in heaven
01.163.04    Three bonds, they say, thou hast in heaven that bind thee, three in the waters,
01.163.05    three within the ocean.
01.164.01    OF this benignant Priest, with eld grey-coloured, the brother midmost of the three is lightning.
01.164.02    Three-naved the wheel is, sound and undecaying, whereon are resting all these worlds of being.
01.164.09    Then the Calf lowed, and looked upon the Mother, the Cow who wears all shapes in three directions.
01.164.09    Bearing three Mothers and three Fathers, single he stood erect: they never make him weary.
01.164.25    Gayatri hath, they say, three brands for kindling: hence it excels in majesty and vigour.
01.164.43    Three with long tresses show in ordered season. One of them sheareth when the year is ended.
01.164.45    Three kept in close concealment cause no motion; of speech, men speak only the fourth division.
01.164.47    Twelve are the fellies, and the wheel is single; three are the naves. What man hath understood it?
01.164.48    Therein are set together spokes three hundred and sixty, which in nowise can be loosened.
01.174.07    Maghavan made the three that gleam with moisture, and to his home brought Kuyavac to slay him.
01.181.07    Your constant song hath been sent forth, Disposers! that flows threefold in mighty strength, O Asvins.
01.181.08    This song of bright contents for you is swelling in the men's hall where three-fold grass is ready.
01.183.01    MAKE ready that which passes thought in swiftness, that hath three wheels and triple seat, ye Mighty,
01.183.01    Whereon ye seek the dwelling of the pious, whereon, threefold, ye fly like birds with pinions.
01.191.12    The three-times-seven bright sparks of fire have swallowed up the poison's strength.
01.191.14    So have the peahens three-times-seven, so have the maiden Sisters Seven
02.003.02    May Narasamsa lighting up the chambers, bright in his majesty through threefold heaven,
02.003.07    Worshipping God at ordered seasons decking them at three high places at the centre of the earth.
02.003.08    Three Goddesses, with power inherent, seated, protect this holy Grass, our flawless refuge!
02.005.05    Is he not better than the Three, the Sisters who have come to us?
02.018.01    THE rich new car hath been equipped at morning; four yokes it hath, three whips, seven reins to guide it:
02.027.08    With their support they stay three earths, three heavens; three are their functions in the Gods' assembly.
02.027.09    Golden and splendid, pure like streams of water, they hold aloft the three bright heavenly regions.
02.031.05    While with my newest song I praise you both, O Earth, that from what moves not ye may spread forth threefold food.
02.035.05    To him three Dames are oftering food to feed him, Goddesses to the God whom none may injure.
02.036.04    Bring the Gods hither, Sage, and offer sacrifice: at the three altars seat thee willingly, O Priest.
03.002.09    They who are free from death, fain for him, purified three splendours of the mighty Agni, circling all.
03.004.08    Sarasvati with all her kindred Rivers, come to this grass, Three Goddesses, and seat them.
03.006.09    Bring, witb their Dames, the Gods, the Three and-Thirty, after thy Godlike nature, and be joyful.
03.009.08    Three times a hundred Gods and thrice a thousand, and three times ten and nine have worshipped Agni,
03.017.03    Three are thy times of life, O Jatavedas, and the three mornings are thy births, O Agni.
03.020.02    Three are thy powers, O Agni, three thy stations, three are thy tongues, yea, many, Child of Order!
03.020.02    Three bodies hast thou which the Gods delight in: with these protect our hymns with care unceasing.
03.026.07    I am light threefold, measurer of the region exhaustless heat am I, named burnt-oblation.
03.026.08    Bearing in mind a thought with light accordant, he purified the Sun with three refinings;
03.028.03    Agni, enjoy the cake of meal and our oblation three days old:
03.038.06    Three seats ye Sovrans, in the Holy synod, many, yea, all, ye honour with your presence.
03.056.02    Near stand three Mighty Ones who travel swiftly: two are concealed from sight, one is apparent.
03.056.03    The Bull who wears all shapes, the triple-breasted, three-uddered, with a brood in many places,
03.056.05    Streams! the wise Gods have thrice three habitations. Child of three Mothers, he is Lord in synods.
03.056.05    Three are the holy Ladies of the Waters, thrice here from heaven supreme in our assembly.
03.056.06    Do thou, O Savitar, from heaven thrice hither, three times a day, send down thy blessings daily.
03.056.08    Three are the bright realms, best, beyond attainment, and three, the Asura's Heroes, rule as Sovrans,
04.001.07    Three are those births, the true, the most exalted, eagerly longed-for, of the God, of Agni.
04.006.04    Agni the Priest, like one who tends the cattle, goes three times round, as from of old he wills it.
04.015.02    Three times unto our solemn rite comes Agni like a charioteer,
04.033.05    Two beakers let us make,-thus said the eldest. Lct us make three,-this was the younger's sentence.
04.036.01    THia car that was not made for horses or for reins, three-wheeled, worthy of lauds, rolls round the firmament.
04.037.03    Your threefold going near is God-appointed, so praise is given you, Vajas and Rbhuksans.
04.042.04    By Law the Son of Aditi, Law Observer, hath spread abroad the world in threefold measure.
04.045.01    Within this car are stored three kindred shares of food, and a skin filled with meath is rustling as the fourth.
04.050.01    Him who with might hath propped earth's ends, who sitteth in threefold seat, Brhaspati, with thunder,
04.053.05    Savitar thrice surrounding with his mightiness mid-air, three regions, and the triple sphere of light,
04.053.05    Sets the three heavens in motion and the threefold earth, and willingly protects us with his triple law.
04.058.03    Four are his horns, three are the feet that bear him; his heads are two, his hands are seven in number.
05.004.08    Son of Strength, Agni, dweller in three regions, accept our sacrifice and our oblation.
05.005.08    l! Sarasvati, Mahl, three Goddesses who tring us weal,
05.011.02    Ensign of sacrifice, the earliest Household-Priest, the. men have kindled Agni in his threefold seat,
05.029.01    MAN' S worship of the Gods hath three great lustres, and three celestial lights have they established
05.029.07    As friend to aid a friend, Agni dressed quickly three hundred buffaloes, even as he willed it.
05.029.07    And Indra, from man's gift, for Vrtra's slaughter, drank ofr at once three lakes of pressed-out Soma.
05.029.08    When thou three hundred buffaloes' flesh hadst eaten, and drunk, as Maghavan, three lakes of Soma,
05.035.02    Indra, whatever aids be thine, four be they, or, O Hero, three,
05.036.06    Who, rich in steeds, gave me two dark red horses together with three hundred head of cattle.
05.047.04    His kine most excellent, of threefold nature, pass swiftly round the boundaries of heaven.
05.069.01    THREE spheres of light, O Varuna, three heavens, three firmaments ye comprehend, O Mitra:
05.069.02    There stand the Three Steers, splendid in their brightness, who fill the three world-bowls with genial moisture.
05.081.04    To the three spheres of light thou goest, Savitar, and with the rays of Sidrya thou combinest thee.
06.008.07    O thou who dwellest in three places, Helper, keep with effective guards our princely patrons.
06.012.02    Found in three places, like the Speeder's footstep, come to present men's riches as oblations!
06.017.11    He, Pusan Visnu, poured forth three great vessels to him, the juice that cheers, that slaughters Vrtra.
06.027.06    Three thousand, mailed, in quest of fame, together, on the Yavyavati, O much-sought Indra,
06.044.23    He found in heaven, in the third lucid regions, the threefold Amrta in its close concealment.
06.047.04    He formed the nectar in three headlong rivers. Soma supports the wide mid-air above us.
06.051.02    The Sage who knows these Gods' three ranks and orders, and all their generations near and distant,
06.061.12    Seven-sistered, sprung from threefold source, the Five Tribes' prosperer, she must be
06.069.08    Ye, Indra-Visnu, when ye fought the battle, produced this infinite with three divisions.
07.002.08        (ditto 3.4.8)
07.005.04    Agni Vaisvanara, both Earth and Heaven submit them to thy threefold jurisdiction.
07.011.03    Three times a day in thee are shown the treasures sent for the mortal who presents oblation.
07.033.07    Three fertilize the worlds with genial moisture: three noble Creatures cast a light before them.
07.033.07    Three that give warmth to all attend the morning. All these have they discovered, these Vasisthas.
07.037.07    With three close Friends to length of days he cometh, he whom men let not rest at home in quiet.
07.066.10    They who direct the three great gatherings with their thoughts, yea, all things with surpassing might.
07.069.02    Let it approach, yoked by thewill, three-seated, extending far and wide o' er fivefold beings,
07.087.04    To me who understand hath Varuna spoken, the names borne by the Cow are three times seven.
07.087.05    On him three heavens rest and are supported, and the three earths are there in sixfold order.
07.100.03    Three times strode forth this God in all his grandeur over this earth bright with a hundred splendours.
07.101.01    SPEAK forth three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produceth nectar.
07.101.02    Vouchsafe us triple shelter for our refuge, and threefold light to succour and befriend us.
07.101.04    In him all living creatures have their being, and the three heavens with triplyflowing waters.
07.101.04    Three reservoirs that sprinkle down their treasure shed their sweet streams around him with a murmur.
07.104.11    May he be swept away, himself and children: may all the three earths press him down beneath them.
08.002.07    For him, for Indra, for the God, be pressed three draughts of Soma juice
08.002.08    Three reservoirs exude their drops, filled are three beakers to the brim,
08.002.21    His plans whom the three worlds display.
08.005.08    Wherewith the three wide distances, and all the lights that are in heaven.
08.005.08    Ye traverse, and three times of night.
08.006.46    Ten thousand head of kine, and steeds three times a hundred they bestowed
08.007.10    The dappled Cows have poured three lakes, meath for the Thunder-wielding God,
08.008.23    Three places of the Asvins, erst concealed, are made apparent now.
08.012.27    When Visnu, through thine energy, strode wide those three great steps of his,
08.019.37    A herd of three times seventy kine, good lord of gifts, he gave to me.
08.028.01    THE Thirty Gods and Three besides, whose seat hath been the sacred grass,
08.029.04    Another with his mighty stride hath made his three steps thither where the Gods rejoice.
08.030.02    Thus be ye lauded, ye destroyers of the foe, ye Three-and-Thirty Deities,
08.032.22    Over the three great distances, past the Five Peoples go thy way,
08.035.03    With all the Deities, three times eleven, here, in close alliance with the Maruts, Bhrgus, Floods;
08.035.19    Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, drink juice, O Asvins, three days old.
08.035.20        (ditto 8.35.19)
08.035.21        (ditto 8.35.19)
08.039.08    Him dweller in three homes we seek, best slayer of the Dasytis for Mandhatar, first in sacrifice. Let all the others die away.
08.039.09    Agni the Wise inhabiteth three gathering-places, triply formed.
08.041.04    His dear Ones, following his Law, have prospered the Three Dawns for him.
08.041.09    Ruler, whose bright far-seeing rays, pervading all three earths, have filled the three superior realms of heaven.
08.045.34    Not for one trespass, not for two, O Hero, slay us, nor for three,
08.046.22    Ten hundred brown in hue, and other ten red in three spots: in all, ten thousand kine.
08.049.10    Protect us through three hymns, O Lord of Power and Might, through four hymns, Vasu, guard thou us.
08.058.03    Clans in the birth-place of the Gods, in the three luminous realms of heaven.
08.058.07    We, having drunk of meath, will reach his seat whose Friends are three times seven.
08.059.15    The noble, Suradeva's son, hath brought a calf, led by the car to three of us.
08.061.08    With threefold hammer from the sky.
08.061.09    Three times the newIy-kindled flame proceeds around the sacrifice:
08.080.05    O Indra, cause to sprout again three places, these which I declare,-
08.083.05    Of this, moreover, purified, set in three places, procreant,
08.090.05    The true, Red Treasure they have sent, one only Son born of the Three.
08.090.13    Past and gone are three mortal generations: the fourth and last into the Sun hath entered.
08.091.14    The waters find their place in him, for whom the threefold sacred grass
08.095.04    He unto whom they sang the seven-headed hymn, three-parted, in the loftiest place,
08.096.03    He to whom Visnu came striding his three wide steps, as Mitra's statutes ordered it.
08.101.02    The truthful Deities, the Three-and-Thirty, saw you approach before the Ever-Truthful.
08.102.03    The chariot bright and radiant, treasure-laden, three-wheeled, with easy seat, and lightly rolling,
08.103.05    O Lords of splendour, aid us through the Three-times-Seven, as we pour holy oil, O Indra-Varuna.
09.005.08    This, Pavamana's sacrifice, shall the three beauteous Goddesses,
09.033.04    Three several words are uttered: kine are owing, cows who give their milk:
09.050.02    At thine effusion upward rise three voices full of joy, when thou
09.058.04    From whom we have accepted thus thousands and three times ten beside:
09.062.18    That he may move, they yoke him to the three-backed triple-seated car
09.067.24    Cleanse us, God Savitar, with Three, O Soma, with sublimest forms,
09.070.01    THE three times seven Milch-kine in the eastern heaven have for this Soma poured the genuine milky draught.
09.070.08    Acceptable to Mitra, Vayu, Varuna, he is prepared as threefold meal by skilful men.
09.073.01    That Asura hath formed, to seize, three lofty heights. The ships of truth have borne the pious man across.
09.073.08    Guardian of Law, most wise, he may not be deceived: three Purifiers hath he set within his heart.
09.086.21    He made the Three Times Seven pour out the milky flow: Soma, the Cheerer, yields whate' er the heart finds sweet.
09.097.34    Three are the voices that the Courser utters: he speaks the thought of prayer, the law of Order.
09.097.47    Finding his threefold refuge in the waters, goes singing, as a priest, to the assemblies.
09.097.55    Thou comest unto three extended filters, and hasteriest through each one as they cleanse thee.
09.102.03    Urge to three courses, on the heights of Trita, riches in a stream.
09.103.02    The Gold-hued, purified, makes him three seats for rest.
09.108.12    Wcll-praised by. sages he hath. by his wondrous power assumed the Threefold as his robe.
09.111.02    As' twere from far, the hymn is heard, where holy songs resound in joy. He with the ruddy-hued, threefold hath won life-power, he, glittering, hath won life-power.
10.008.08    Then Trita slew the foe seven-rayed, three-headed, and freed the cattle of the Son of Tvastar.
10.008.09    He smote his three heads from his body, seizing the cattle of the oniniform Son of Tvastar.
10.027.23    Three warm the Earth while holding stores of water, and Two of these convey the murmuring moisture.
10.033.05    Whose three bays harnessed to the car bear me straight onward: I will laud
10.034.08    Merrily sports their troop, the three-and-fifty, like Savitar the God whose ways are faithful.
10.041.01    THAT general Car of yours, invoked by many a man, that comes to our libations, three-wheeled, meet for lauds,
10.045.02    Agni, we know thy three powers in three stations, we know thy forms in many a place divided.
10.048.07    This One by stronger might I conquered singly; yea, also two: shall three prevail against me?
10.052.04    Wise Agni shall ordain for us the worship, whether five-wayed, threefold, or seven-threaded.
10.052.06    The Deities three hundred and thirty-nine, have served and honoured Agni,
10.059.09    Health-giving medicines descend sent down from heaven in twos and threes,
10.061.09    Thou, called Effulgence, in whose threefold dwelling, as in the light of heaven, the Gods are sitting,
10.067.04    Brhaspati, seeking light amid the darkness, drave forth the bright cows: three he made apparent.
10.067.05    When he had cleft the lairs and western castle, he cut off three from him who held the waters.
10.070.08    On our wide grass, Three Goddesses be seated: for you have we prepared and made it pleasant.
10.085.14    When on your three-wheeled chariot, O Asvins, ye came as wooers unto Surya's bridal,
10.087.10    Look on the fiend mid men, as Man-beholder: rend thou his three extremities in pieces.
10.088.10    They made him to appear in threefold essence: he ripens plants of every form and nature.
10.090.03    All creatures are one-fourth of him, three-fourths eternal life in heaven.
10.090.04    With three-fourths Purusa went up: onefourth of him again was here.
10.097.01    HERBS that sprang up in time of old, three ages earlier than the Gods,-
10.105.09    When threefold flame burns high for thee, to rest on poles of sacrifice,
10.107.06    The brightly-shining God's three forms he knoweth who first bestowed the sacrificial Guerdon.
10.114.01    Two perfect springs of heat pervade the Threefold, and come for their delight is Matarisvan.
10.114.02    The priests beard far away, as they are ordered, serve the three Nirrtis, for well they know them.
10.117.08    He with one foot hath far outrun the biped, and the two-footed catches the three-footed.
10.124.01    COME to this sacrifice of ours, O Agni, threefold, with seven threads and five divisions.
10.185.01    GREAT, unassailable must he the heavenly favour of' Three Gods,

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