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Results from Griffith:
01.002.03    Vayu, thy penetrating stream goes forth unto the worshipper,
01.003.09    The Visvedevas, changing shape like serpents, fearless, void of guile,
01.013.06    Thrown open be the Doors Divine, unfailing, that assist the rite,
01.032.11    But he, when he had smitten Vrtra, opened the cave wherein the floods had been imprisoned.
01.048.15    Usas, as thou with light to day hast opened the twin doors of heaven,
01.054.03    Sing forth to lofty Dyaus a strength-bestowing song, the Bold, whose resolute mind hath independent sway.
01.063.06    Lay thou the race-course open for our horses: as with a club, slay, Thunder-armed! our foemen.
01.064.08    Stirring the darkness with lances and spotted deer, combined as priests, with serpents' fury through their might.
01.064.09    Heroes who march in companies, befriending man, with serpents' ire through strength, ye greet the earth and heaven.
01.066.02    He offers safety like a pleasant home, like ripened corn, the Conqueror of men.
01.075.03    On whom dependent? who art thou?
01.079.01    HE in mid-air's expanse hath golden tresses; a raging serpent, like the rushing tempest:
01.081.07    Gather in both thy hands for us treasures of many hundred sorts. Sharpen thou us, and bring us wealth.
01.092.04    Creating light for all the world of life, the Dawn hath laid the darkness open as the cows their stall.
01.093.10    Shine forth an ample recompense.
01.101.10    Rejoice thee with thine own Bay Steeds, O Indra, unclose thy jaws and let thy lips be open.
01.105.18    He, like a carpenter whose back is aching crouched and slunk away. Mark this my woe, ye Earth and Heaven.
01.116.09    Ye lifted up the well, O ye Nasatyas, and set the base on high to open downward.
01.116.16    Straight ye gave Vispala a leg of iron that she might move what time the conflict opened.
01.117.09    Strong, winner of a thousand spoils, resistless the serpent slayer, glorious, triumphant.
01.118.09    A white horse, Asvins, ye bestowed on Pedu, a serpent-slaying steed sent down by Indra,
01.119.06    Ye made the cow of Sayu stream refreshing milk, and Vandana was holpen to extended life.
01.121.04    When the three-pointed one descends with onslaught he opens wide the doors that cause man trouble.
01.122.03    Sharpen our wits, O Parvata and Indra. May all the Gods vouchsafe to us this favour.
01.128.09    Agni bestows a blessing on each pious man, and opens wide the doors for him.
01.132.05    So now must thy great deed be lauded as of old, when for the Angirases thou openedst the stall, openedst, giving aid, the stall.
01.139.04    All glories and all nourishment, Lords of all wealth! depend on you.
01.139.05    Well is it known, O Mighty Ones: ye open heaven; for you the chariot-steeds are yoked for morning rites, unswerving steeds for morning rites,
01.141.07    What time the Holy One, wind-urged, hath risen up, serpent-like winding through the dry grass unrestrained,
01.142.06        (ditto 1.13.6)
01.143.05    Agni with sharpened jaws chews up and eats the trees, and conquers them as when the warrior smites his foes.
01.164.12    Upon this five-spoked wheel revolving ever all living creatures rest and are dependent.
01.164.14    The Sun's eye moves encompassed by the region: on him dependent rest all living creatures.
01.164.36    Seven germs unripened yet are heaven's prolific seed: their functions they maintain by Visnu's ordinance.
01.172.01    Maruts, who gleam as serpents gleam.
01.176.02    Make our songs penetrate to him who is the Only One of men;
01.180.03    Which the bright offerer, shining like a serpent mid trees, presents to you whose form is perfect.
01.190.04    These of Brhaspati, like hunters' arrows, go to the skies that change their hue like serpents.
02.003.05    Wide be the Doors, the Goddesses, thrown open, easy to pass, invoked, through adorations,
02.010.06    Obtaining wealth, I call on perfect Agni who with an eloquent tongue dispenses sweetness.
02.023.18    The mountain, for thy glory, cleft itself apart when, Angiras! thou openedst the stall of kine.
02.024.04    The well with mouth of stone that poured a flood of meath, which Brahmapaspati hath opened with his might-
02.030.03    Enveloped in a cloud he rushed upon him. Indra subdued the foe with sharpened weapons.
02.030.09    Him who waylays, yea, him who would destroy us,-aim at him, pierce him with thy sharpened weapon.
02.038.03    He hath checked e' en their haste who glide like serpents. Night closely followed Savitar's dominion.
02.039.07    Asvins, these hymns that struggle to approach you, sharpen ye like an axe upon a whetstone.
03.002.10    Man's sacrificial food hath sharpened like an axe, for brightness, him the Sage of men, the people's Lord,
03.005.01    With far-spread lustre, kindled by the pious, the Priest hath thrown both gates of darkness open.
03.030.21    Lord of the kine, burst the kine's stable open: cows shall be ours, and strength that wins the booty.
03.031.21    Teaching us pleasant things by holy Order, to, us hath he thrown open all his portals.
03.045.04    Shake, Indra, as with hooks, the tree for ripened fruit, for wealth to satisfy our wish.
04.001.15    Eager, with thought intent upon the booty, the men with their celestial speech threw open,
04.002.11    Lead us, O God, to wealth and noble offspring: keep penury afar and grant us plenty.
04.004.04    Rise up, O Agni, spread thee out before us: burn down our foes, thou who hast sharpened arrows.
04.005.04    May he with sharpened teeth, the Bounteous Giver, Agni, consume with flame most fiercely glowing.
04.005.08    When they have thrown as' twere the cows' stalls open. The Bird protects earths' best and well-loved station.
04.006.08    Bright like a spear's tooth, wakened in the morning, with powerful mouth and like an axe well-sharpened.
04.007.10    His sharpened tongue he layeth on the brushwood, and with his teeth e' en solid food consumeth.
04.010.06    This gleams like gold on thee, O Self. dependent.
04.015.05    With sharpened teeth and bountiful.
04.016.06    They with their songs cleft e' en the mountain open and willingly disclosed the stall of cattle.
04.019.09    The blind saw clearly, as he grasped the serpent, rose, brake the jar: hisjoints again united.
04.020.08    Of wealth and homes of men thou art the ruler, and opener of the stable of the cattle.
04.023.07    About to stay the Indra-less destructive spirit he sharpens his keen arms to strike her.
04.028.01    Slew Ahi, and sent forth the Seven Rivers, and opened as it were obstructed fountains.
04.031.02    Open e' en strongly-guarded wealth?
04.031.13    With new protections, Indra, like an archer, open thou forus
04.054.02    Thereafter as a gift to men, O Savitar, thou openest existence, life succeeding life.
04.055.06    As if to win the sea, the Gharma-heaters have opened, as they come anear, the rivers.
04.058.11    The universe depends upon thy power and might within the sea, within the heart, within all life.
05.002.09    He conquers godless and malign enchantments, and sharpens both his horns to gore the Raksas.
05.003.11    Thieves have been seen by us and open foemen: unknown have been the plottings of the wicked.
05.005.05    Open yourselves, ye Doors Divine, easy of access for our aid:
05.009.05    When Trta in the height of heaven, like as a smelter fanneth thee, e' en as a smelter sharpeneth thee.
05.015.06    Thou, like a thief who keeps his refuge secret, hast holpen Atri to great wealth, by teaching.
05.019.05    These flames of his are wasting flames, like arrows keen-pointed, sharpened, on his breast.
05.029.12    Labouring at their task the men laid open the stall of Kine though firmly closed and fastened.
05.032.01    Thou, Indra, laying the great mountain open, slaying the Danava, didst loose the torrents.
05.036.03    Invoked of many, Caster of the Stone my heart quakes like a rolling wheel for fear of penury.
05.042.01    May the Five Priests' Lord, dwelling in oblations, bliss-giving Asura, hear, whose paths are open.
05.045.01    BARDS of approaching Dawn who know the heavens are come with hymns to throw the mountain open.
05.045.01    The Sun hath risen and oped the stable portals: the doors of men, too, hath the God thrown open.
05.045.06    Come, let us carry out, O friends, the purpose wherewith the Mother threw the Cow's stall open,
05.046.06    May Bhaga the Dispenser come with power and grace, and far-pervading Aditi listen to my call.
05.062.02    Ye cause to flow all voices of the cowpen: your single chariotfelly hath rolled hither.
05.062.09    Bountiful guardians of the world! the shelter that is impenetrable, strongest, flawless,
05.064.01    Who, as with penfold of your arms, encompass round the realm of light.
05.080.03    Opening paths to happiness, the Goddess shines, praised by all, giver of every blessing.
05.083.07    Thine opened water-skin draw with thee downward, and let the hollows and the heights be level.
05.085.03    Varuna lets the big cask, opening downward, flow through the heaven and earth and air's mid-region.
06.008.06    King, undecaying, as it were with sharpened bolt, smite down the sinner like a tree with lightning-flash.
06.015.19    Let not our household gear be found defective. Sharpen us with thy penetrating splendour.
06.016.38    Mighty as one who slays with shafts, or like a bull with sharpened horn,
06.020.07    Thou, thunder-armed, with thy great might hast shattered Pipru's strong forts who knew the wiles of serpents.
06.028.01    I. THE Kine have come and brought good fortune: let them rest in the cow-pen and be happy near us.
06.046.11    What time the feathered shafts are flying in the air, the arrows with their sharpened points.
06.047.10    Be gracious, Indra, let my days be lengthened: sharpen my thought as' twere a blade of iron
06.047.10    Approve whatever words I speak, dependent on thee, and grant me thy divine protection.
06.052.15    And those who, Mighty, with the wiles of serpents, were born on earth, in heaven, where waters gather-
06.053.05    Penetrate with an awl, O Sage, the hearts of avaricious churls,
06.058.01    All magic powers thou aidest, self-depen. dent! Auspicious be thy bounty here, O Pusan.
06.062.11    Bountiful Lords, throw open to the singer doors e' en of the firm-closed stall of cattle.
06.065.05    With prayer and holy hymn they burst them open: the heroes' calling on the Gods was fruitful.
06.072.03    Ye slew the flood-obstructing serpent Vrtra, Indra and Soma: Heaven approved your exploit.
06.075.14    It compasses the arm with serpent windings, fending away the friction of the bowstring:
06.075.16    Loosed from the Bowstring fly away, thou Arrow, sharpened by our prayer.
07.001.05    Victorious Agni, grant us wealth with wisdom, wealth with brave sons, famous and independent,
07.002.05    With holy thoughts the pious have thrown open Doors fain for chariots in the Gods' assembly.
07.003.09    When forth he cometh, like an axe new-sharpened, pure in his form, resplendent in his body,
07.017.01    Let the impatient Portals be thrown open bring thou the Gods impatient to come hither.
07.018.18    Cast down thy sharpened thunderbolt, O Indra, on him who harms the men who sing thy praises.
07.018.24    Him whose fame spreads between wide earth and heaven, who, as dispenser, gives each chief his portion,
07.019.01    HE like a bull with sharpened horns, terrific, singly excites and agitates all the people:
07.019.03    O Bold One, thou with all thine aids hast boldly holpen Sudas whose offerings were accepted,
07.027.02    Thou, Maghavan, hast rent strong places open: unclose for us, Wise God, thy hidden bounty.
07.031.05    Yea, great art thou whose conquering might two independent Powers confess.
07.032.05    May he whose ear is open hear us. He is asked for wealth: will he despise our prayer?
07.038.05    They who come emulous to our oblation, dispensing bounty, from the earth and heaven.
07.038.07    Crushing the wolf, the serpent, and the demons, may they completely banish all affliction.
07.046.01    To Rudra bring these songs, whose bow is firm and strong, the self-dependent God with swiftly-flying shafts,
07.058.05    What secret sin or open stirs their anger, that we implore the Swift Ones to forgive us.
07.071.02    Keep at a distance penury and sickness; Lovers of Sweetness, day and night preserve us.
07.079.01    She hath sent out her sheen with beauteous oxen. The Sun with light hath opened earth and heaven.
07.094.12    Slay him who stays the waters, slay the Serpent with your deadly dart.
07.100.01    NE' ER doth the man repent, who, seeking profit, bringeth his gift to the far-striding Visnu.
07.104.09    May Soma give them over to the serpent, or to the lap of Nirrti consign them.
07.104.19    Hurl down from heaven thy bolt of stone, O Indra: sharpen it, Maghavan, made keen by Soma.
08.002.20    Let him not, wrathful with us, spend the evening far from us to-day,
08.002.33    He upon whom all men depend, all regions, all achievements, he
08.004.16    Sharpen us like a razor in the barber's hands: send riches thou who settest free.
08.005.09    Open the paths for us to tread.
08.010.04    On whom the solemn rites depend, whose worshippers rise without the Sun:
08.019.32    O Agni, thou on whom all other fires depend, as branches on the parent stem,
08.021.08    O Vasu, for all wealth that cometh of the kine, sharpen our powers, fair-visored God.
08.032.05    Rejoicing in the Soma-draughts, Hero, burst open, like a fort,
08.040.05    Who oped with sideway opening the sea with its foundations seven-Indra all powerful in his might.
08.042.03    Sharpen this song of him who strives his utmost, sharpen, God Varuna, his strength and insight;
08.043.03    Thy sharpened flames, O Agni, like the gleams of light that glitter through,
08.043.26    Shine, Agni, with thy sharpened flame.
08.046.01    WE, Indra, Lord of ample wealth, our Guide, depend on one like thee,
08.049.14    Well-sharpened are his jaws which may not be withstood: the Child of Strength hath powerful teeth.
08.050.02    For him, strong, independent Ruler, Heaven and Earth have fashioned forth for power and might.
08.055.03    Indra, the Vrtra-slayer, urges eagerly the opening of the stall of kine:
08.055.13    Verily, Indra, we are thine, we worshippers depend on thee.
08.069.08    The barriers are opened wide.
08.085.02    The Darter penetrated, though in trouble, thrice-seven close-pressed ridges of the mountains.
08.085.09    A sharpened weapon is the host of Maruts. Who, Indra, dares withstand thy bolt of thunder?
08.089.06    When thou didst open wealth heaped up by many, brought from far away to Sarablia, the Rsi's kin.
08.092.11    Who, finder-out of treasures open and concealed, bringeth them hither, Holy One;
09.005.02    He, Pavamana, Self-produced, speeds onward sharpening his horns:
09.010.05    Pass through the openings of the cloth.
09.010.06    The singing-men of ancient time open the doors of sacred songs,-
09.011.04    Sing a praise-song to Soma brown of hue, of independent might.
09.050.01    Urge on thine arrow's sharpened point.
09.061.31    Those awful weapons that thou hast, sharpened at point to strike men down-
09.066.27    May Pavamana, best to win the booty, penetrate with rays,
09.070.07    The fearful Bull is bellowing with violent might, far-sighted, sharpening his yellowcoloured horns.
09.077.03    Beauteous as serpents, worthy to be looked upon, they whom each sacred gift and all our prayers have pleased.
09.086.09    He on whose high decree the heavens and earth depend nath roared and thundered like the summit of the sky.
09.086.15    He who was first of all to penetrate his form bestowed upon his race wide shelter and defence.
09.086.44    He. glideth like a serpent from his ancient skin, and like a playful horse the Tawny Steer hath run.
09.087.07    Like a strong bull who whets his horns kpen-pointed, like a brave warrior in the fray for cattle.
09.088.04    Like Pedu's horse who killed the brood of serpents, thus thou, O Soma, slayest every Dasyu.
09.090.01    Going to Indra, sharpening his weapons, and in his hand containing every treasure.
09.090.03    With sharpened. arms, with swift bow, never vanquished in battle, vanquishing in fight the foemen.
09.091.03    Through thousand fine hairs goes the tuneful Singer, like Sura by his fair and open pathways.
09.092.05    That he hath given us room and made the daylight, hath holpen Manu and repelled the Dasyu.
09.096.11    Fighting unvanquished, open the enclosures: enrich us with large gifts of steeds and heroes.
09.097.09    He with the sharpened horns brings forth abundance: the Silvery shines by night, by day the Golden.
09.099.07    He penetrates the mighty floods collecting all he knows therein.
09.103.06    The penetrating Pavamana flows along.
09.108.04    By whom Dadhyac Navagva opens fastened doors, by whom the sages gained their wish,
09.110.06    And Savitar the God opens as' twere a stall.
10.001.01    Fair-shapen Agni with white-shining splendour hath filled at birth all human habitations.
10.016.06    What wound soe' er the dark bird hath inflicted, the emmet, or the serpent, or the jackal,
10.025.05    These sages, have thrown open-at your glad carouse-the stall of kine and horses. Thou art waxing great
10.028.02    Loud belloweth the Bull whose horns are sharpened: upon the height above earth's breadth he standeth.
10.030.12    Ye are the Queens of independent riches Sarasvati give full life to the singer!
10.031.09    He passes o' er the broad earth like a Stega: he penetrates the world as Wind the mist-cloud.
10.040.08    And ye throw open, Asvins, unto those who win the cattle-stall that thunders with its serenfold mouth.
10.048.10    He, fain to fight the Bull whose horns were sharpened, stood fettered in the demon's ample region.
10.053.10    His axe, wrought of good metal, he is sharpening now, wherewith the radiant Brahmanaspati will cut.
10.061.21    May he enrich us for our prayers and praises: now can the cow be milked; the path is open.
10.063.04    Borne on refulgent cars, sinless, with serpents' powers, they robe them, for our welfare, in the height of heaven.
10.068.06    Consumed. him as tongues cat what teeth have compassed: he threw the prisons of the red cows open.
10.075.09    So have I praised its power, mighty and unrestrained, of independent glory, roaring as it runs.
10.076.04    Drive ye the treacherous demons far away from us: keep Nirrti afar and banish Penury.
10.079.01    His jaws now open and now shut together: much they devour, insatiately chewing.
10.084.01    March on, like flames of fire in form, exulting, with pointed arrows, sharpening their weapons.
10.084.04    Alone or many thou art worshipped, Manyu: sharpen the spirit of each clan for battle.
10.087.01    Enkindled, sharpened by our rites, may Agni protect us in the day and night from evil.
10.087.06    Or flying on those paths in air's midregion, sharpen the shaft and as an archer pierce him.
10.087.23    O Agni, with thy sharpened glow, with lances armed with points of flame.
10.087.24    I sharpen thee, Infallible, with hymns. O Sage, be vigilant.
10.088.10    They made him to appear in threefold essence: he ripens plants of every form and nature.
10.089.09    Against these foes, O Mighty Indra, sharpen, as furious death, thy Bull of fiery colour.
10.093.12    Thus forms a carpenter the yoke of horses, not to be displaced.
10.095.16    When amid men in altered shape I sojourned, and through four autumns spent the nights among them,
10.100.07    Not often have we sinned against you secretly, nor, Vasus, have we openly provoked the Gods.
10.101.03    Through song may we find bearing fraught with plenty: near to the ripened grain approach the sickle.
10.103.01    SWIFT, rapidly striking, like a bull who sharpens his horns, terrific, stirring up the people,
10.106.06    it pervaded( everywhere), it dispensed riches.
10.106.08    Like toiling bees ye bring to us your honey, as bees into the hide that opens downward.
10.106.09    Filled be our kine with ripened meath like glory: Bhutamsa hath fulfilled the Asvins' longing.
10.110.05    Let the expansive Doors be widely opened, like wives who deck their beauty for their husbands.
10.116.07    Juice, Maghavan, for thee is pressed and ripened: eat, Indra, drink of that which stirs to meet thee.
10.120.05    I with my words impel thy weapons onward, and sharpen with my prayer thy vital vigour.
10.120.08    He rules the great self-luminous fold of cattle, and all the doors of light hath he thrown open.
10.125.06    I rouse and order battle for the people, and I have penetrated Earth and Heaven.
10.133.06    Close to thy friendship do we cling, O Indra, and depend, or, thee.
10.139.06    In the floods' track he found the bootyseeker: the rocky cow-pen's doors he threw wide open.
10.147.05    Magician thou, our Varuna and Mitra, deal food to us, O Wondrous, as Dispenser.
10.162.04    That penetrates and licks thy side,-even this will we exterminate.
10.169.03    Those grant us in our cattle-pen, O Indra, with their full streams of milk and plenteous offspring.
10.169.04    Hath to our cow-pen brought auspicious cattle: so may we own the offspring they will bear us.

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