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Results from Griffith:
01.046.08    The heaven's wide vessel is your own on the flood's shore your chariot waits
01.055.01    THOUGH e' en this heaven's wide space and earth have spread them out, nor heaven nor earth may be in greatness Indra's match.
01.061.03    To him then with my lips mine adoration, winning heaven's light, most excellent, I offer,
01.068.05    He, rich in food, unbars his wealth like doors: he, the House-Friend, hath decked heaven's vault with stars.
01.092.05    Like tints that deck the Post at sacrifices, Heaven's Daughter hath attained her wondrous splendour.
01.092.07    The Gotamas have praised Heaven's radiant Daughter, the leader of the charm of pleasant voices.
01.092.11    She hath appeared discovering heaven's borders: to the far distance she drives off her Sister.
01.100.03    Whose paths go forth in their great might resistless, forthmilking, as it were, heaven's genial moisture.
01.110.06    The Rbhus who came near with this great Father's speed, and rose to heaven's high sphere to eat the strengthening food.
01.124.03    There in the eastern region she, Heaven's Daughter, arrayed in garments all of light, appeareth.
01.164.36    Seven germs unripened yet are heaven's prolific seed: their functions they maintain by Visnu's ordinance.
01.166.05    When they in dazzling rush have made the mountains roar, and shaken heaven's high back in their heroic strength,
01.168.05    Ye rush from heaven's floor as though ye sought for food, on many errands like the Sun's diurnal Steed.
01.173.01    THE praise-song let him sing forth bursting bird-like: sing we that hymn which like heaven's light expandeth,
01.181.04    One of you Prince of Sacrifice, the Victor, the other counts as Heaven's auspicious offspring.
01.182.01    Heart-stirring, longed for, succourers of Vispala, here are Heaven's Sons whose sway blesses the pious man.
01.183.02    May this song, wondrous fair, attend your glory: ye, as ye travel, wait on Dawn Heaven's Daughter.
01.184.01    Nasatyas, wheresoe' er ye be, Heaven's Children, for him who is more liberal than the godless.
02.002.01    Well kindled, nobly fed; heaven's Lord, Celestial Priest, who labours at the pole where deeds of might are done.
03.001.06    He sought heaven's Mighty Ones, the unconsuming, the unimpaired, not clothed and yet not naked.
03.002.12    Vaisvanara, as of old, mounted the cope of heaven, heaven's ridge, well greeted, by those skilled in noble songs.
03.002.14    As pure and swift of course, beholder of the light, who stands in heaven's bright sphere a sign, who wakes at dawn,
03.004.07    I crave the grace of heaven's two chief Invokers: the seven swift steeds joy in their wonted manner.
03.006.02    Even through the heaven's and through the earth's expanses let thy swift seventongued flames roll on, O Agni.
03.006.08    The Gods who take delight in air's wide region, or those the dwellers in heaven's realm of brightness,
03.007.08        (ditto 3.4.7)
03.012.09    Indra and Agni, in your deeds of might ye deck heaven's lucid realms:
03.031.19    Chase thou the many godless evil creatures, and give us, Maghavan, heaven's light to help m.
03.043.06    Who from of old press to heaven's farthest limits, the Bull's impetuous and well-groomed Horses.
03.057.02    Indra and Pusan, deft of hand and mighty, well-pleased have drained the heaven's exhaustless udder.
04.001.11    In houses first he sprang into existence, at great heaven's base, and in this region's bosom;
04.003.08    Before the Free, before the Swift, defend us: fulfil heaven's work, all-knowing Jatavedas.
04.007.08    Thou goest from of old a willing Herald, knowing full well heaven's innermost recesses.
04.016.04    When heaven's fair light by hymns was made apparent( they made great splendour shine at break of morning),
04.027.04    The Falcon bore him from heaven's lofty summit as the swift car of Indra's Friend bore Bhujyu.
04.028.02    What rolled, all life's support, on heaven's high summit was separated from the great oppressor.
04.030.08    That thou didst smite to death the Dame, Heaven's Daughter, meditating ill.
04.051.10    O Goddesses, O Heaven's refulgent Daughters, bestow upon us wealth with store of children.
05.015.02    They who attained with born men to the unborn, men seated on that stay, heaven's firm sustainer.
05.041.07    I speed to you with powers that should be honoured, with songs distinguishing Heaven's mighty Daughters,
05.044.02    Shining to him who leaves heaven's regions undisturbed, which to his sheen who is beneath show fair in light,
05.045.06    That wherewith Manu conquered Visisipra, wherewith the wandering merchant gained heaven's water.
05.047.01    URGING to toil and making proclamation, seeking Heaven's Daughter comes the Mighty Mother:
05.053.06    Munificent Heroes, they have cast heaven's treasury down for the worshipper's behoof:
05.059.07    Like birds of air they flew with might in lengthened lines from heaven's high ridges to the borders of the sky.
05.081.02    Excellent Savitar hath looked on heaven's high vault, and shineth after the outgoing of the Dawn.
06.001.07    Thou, Agni, leddest forth our men to battle, refulgent with the heaven's exalted splendour.
06.002.03    Of one accord men kindle thee Heaven's signal of the sacrifice,
06.003.07    Like Heaven's when scattering beams his voice was uttered: among the plants the radiant Hero shouted,
06.062.01    I LAUD the Heroes Twain, this heaven's Controllers: singing with songs of praise I call the Asvins,
07.003.06    Like Heaven's thundering roar thy might approaches, and like the wondrous Sun thy light thou showest.
07.066.09    Food and Heaven's light will we obtain.
07.067.02    Eastward is seen the Banner of the Morning, the Banner born to give Heaven's Daughter glory.
08.006.25    Hither thou seemest to attract heaven's fold which shines before our eyes,
08.013.02    In heaven's first region, in the seat of Gods, is he who brings success,
08.071.04    In heaven's sublimest realm of light.
08.086.05    Whether thou art in heaven's bright sphere, or in the basin of the sea;
08.089.10    The heaven's four regions drew forth drink and vigour: now whither hath her noblest portion vanished?
09.002.05    The lake is brightened in the floods. Soma, our Friend, heaven's prop and stay,
09.042.01    ENGENDERING the Sun in floods, engendering heaven's lights, green-hued,
09.061.19    Like lustre, all heaven's light, to see.
09.073.04    Sweet-tongued, exhaustless, they have sent their voices down togetlier, in heaven's vault that pours a thousand streams.
09.085.12    High to heaven's vault hath the Gandharva risen, beholding all his varied forms and figures.
09.086.08    High heaven's Sustainer at the central point of earth, raised on the fleecy surface Pavamana stands.
09.091.06    So purifying thee vouchsafe us waters, heaven's light, and cows, offipring and many children.
09.098.08    Even him who, dear as heaven's own light, gives to our princes high renown.
10.012.03    When the cow's nectar wins the God completely, men here below are heaven's sustainers.
10.031.08    Not only here is this: more is beyond us. He is the Bull, the Heaven's and Earth's supporter.
10.039.12    At harnessing whereof Heaven's Daughter springs to birth, and from Vivasvan come auspicious Night and Day.
10.043.09    Let the Red God shine bright with his refulgent ray, and let the Lord of heroes glow like heaven's clear sheen.
10.065.13    Thunder, the lightning's daughter, Aja-Ekapad, heaven's bearer, Sindhu, and the waters of the sea:
10.098.05    He hath brought down from heaven's most lofty summit the ocean of the rain, celestial waters.
10.099.03    On most auspicious path he goes to battle he toiled to win heaven's light, full fain to gain it;
10.149.04    As man to wife, let Savitar come downward to us, heaven's bearer, Lord of every blessing.
10.170.04    Beaming forth splendour with thy light, thou hast attained heaven's lustrous realm.

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