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01.007.02    Indra the golden, thunder-armed.
01.022.05    For my protection I invoke the golden-handed Savitar.
01.025.13    Varuna, wearing golden mail, hath clad him in a shining robe.
01.035.02    Borne in his golden chariot he cometh, Savitar, God who looks on every creature.
01.035.04    His chariot decked with pearl, of various colours, lofty, with golden pole, the God hath mounted,
01.035.09    The golden-handed Savitar, far-seeing, goes on his way between the earth and heaven,
01.042.06    So, Lord of all prosperity, best wielder of the golden sword,
01.056.01    He stays his golden car, yoked with Bay Horses, swift, and drinks the Soma juice which strengthens for great deeds.
01.064.11    They who with golden fellies make the rain increase drive forward the big clouds like wanderers on the way.
01.079.01    HE in mid-air's expanse hath golden tresses; a raging serpent, like the rushing tempest:
01.085.03    When, Children of the Cow, they shine in bright attire, and on their fair limbs lay their golden ornaments,
01.085.09    When Tvastar deft of hand had turned the thunderbolt, golden, with thousand edges, fashioned more skilfully,
01.088.05    What time upon your golden wheels he saw you, wild boars rushing about with tusks of iron.
01.095.01    One bears a Godlike Babe of golden colour; bright and fair-shining, is he with the other.
01.096.05    Golden between the heaven and earth he shineth. The Gods possessed the wealth bestowing Agni.
01.105.01    Ye lightnings with your golden wheels, men find not your abiding-place. Mark this my woe, ye Earth and Heaven.
01.122.02    The Barren clothes her in wide-woven raiment, and fair Morn shines with Surya's golden splendour.
01.122.14    The sea and all the Deities shall give us him with the golden ear and neck bejewelled.
01.139.03    So in the seats wherein ye dwell have we beheld the Golden One,
01.139.05    The fellies of your golden chariot scatter drops, Mighty Ones! of your golden car.
01.139.06    We set you on the chariot-seat, ye Mighty, on the golden car.
01.144.06    And these two Mighty Ones, bright, golden closely joined, rolling them round are come unto thy sacred grass.
01.162.16    The robe they spread upon the Horse to clothe him, the upper covering and the golden trappings,
01.164.46    Dark the descent: the birds are golden-coloured; up to the heaven they fly robed in the waters.
01.181.05    May your car-seat, down-gliding, golden-coloured, according to your wish approach our dwellings.
02.015.09    There the staff-bearer found the golden treasure. These things did Indra in the Soma's rapture.
02.027.09    Golden and splendid, pure like streams of water, they hold aloft the three bright heavenly regions.
02.034.11    With ladles lifted up, with prayer, we seek of them preeminent, golden-hued, the wealth which all extol.
02.035.10    Golden in form is he, like gold to look on, his colour is like gold, the Son of Waters.
02.035.10    When he is seated fresh from golden birthplace those who present their gold give food to feed him.
02.035.11    Whom here the youthful Maids together kindle, his food is sacred oil of golden colour.
03.038.08    Let no one here debar me from enjoying the golden light which Savitar diffuses.
03.044.01    Joying thereat, O Indra, with thy Bay Steeds come:. ascend thy golden-coloured car.
03.044.03    The heaven with streams of golden hue, earth with her tints of green and gold-
03.044.03    The golden Pair yield Indra plenteous nourishment: between them moves the golden One.
03.044.04    When born to life the golden Bull illumines all the realm of light.
03.044.04    He takes his golden weapon, Lord of Tawny Steeds, the golden thunder in his arms.
03.054.11    The fair-tongued Savitar, the golden-handed, comes thrice from heaven as Lord in our assembly.
03.061.02    Let docile horses of far-reaching splendour convey thee hitherward, the goldencoloured.
04.001.08    This envoy joyeth in all seats of worship, borne on his golden car, sweet-tongued Invoker:
04.003.01    Agni, invested with his golden colours, before the thunder strike and lay you senseless.
04.044.04    Borne on your golden car, ye omnipresent! come to this sacrifice of ours, Nasatyas.
04.044.05    Come hitherward to us from earth, from heaven, borne on your golden chariot rolling lightly.
04.046.04    For ye, O Indra-Vayu, mount the goldenseated car that aids
04.053.02    Sustainer of the heaven, Lord of the whole world's life, the Sage, he putteth on his golden-coloured mail.
04.058.05    I look upon the streams of oil descending, and lo! the Golden Reed is there among them.
05.038.02    Is bruited as most widely famed, invincible, O Golden-hued!
05.043.12    Him let us worship, set within the dwelling, the red, the golden-hued, the allresplendent.
05.055.07    When to your car-poles ye have yoked your spotted deer to be your steeds, and put your golden mantles on,
05.057.01    OF one accord, with Indra, O ye Rudras, come borne on your golden car for our prosperity.
05.060.04    They, like young suitors, sons of wealthy houses, have with their golden natures decked their bodies.
05.067.02    When, Varuna and Mitra, ye sit in your golden dwelling-place,
05.075.02    Wonderful, with your golden paths, most gracious, bringers of the flood. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
06.029.02    Him to whose hand, men closely cling, and drivers stand on his golden chariot firmly stationed.
06.029.06    So be the lofty Indra prompt to listen, Helper unaided, golden-visored Hero.
06.050.08    May Savitar come hither and approach us, the God who rescues, Holy, goldenhanded,
06.056.03    The golden wheel of Sura's car.
06.058.03    O Pusan, with thy golden ships that travel across the ocean, in the air's mid-region,
06.061.07    Yea, this divine Sarasvati, terrible with her golden path,
06.066.02    Golden and dustless were their cars, invested with their great strength and their heroic vigour.
06.071.01    FULL of effectual wisdom Savitar the God hath stretched out golden arms that he may bring forth life.
06.071.03    God of the golden tongue, keep us for newest bliss: let not the evil-wisher have us in his power.
06.071.04    This Savitar the God, the golden-handed, Friend of the home, hath risen to meet the twilight.
06.071.05    Like a Director, Savitar hath extended his golden arms, exceeding fair to look on.
07.010.01    Pure in his splendour shines the golden Hero: our longing thoughts hath he aroused and wakened.
07.034.02    Set ye for him the coursers to the pole: like Indra Thunderer is the Golden-armed.
07.038.01    ON high hath Savitar, this God, extended the golden lustre which he spreads around him.
07.038.02    Rise up, O Savitar whose hands are golden, and hear this man while sacrifice is offered,
07.045.02    Golden, sublime, and easy in their motion, his arms extend unto the bounds of heaven.
07.057.03    No others gleam so brightly as these Maruts with their own forms, their golden gauds, their weapons.
07.063.04    Golden, far-seeing, from the heaven he riseth: far is his goal, he hasteth on resplendent.
07.077.02    She hath beamed forth lovely with golden colours, Mother of kine, Guide of the days she bringeth.
07.087.05    The wise King Varuna hath made in heaven that Golden Swing to cover it with glory.
08.001.24    A thousand and a hundred Steeds are harnessed to thy golden car.
08.005.28    Ascend your car with golden seat, O Asvins, and with reins of gold,
08.005.29    Golden is its supporting shaft, the axle also is of gold,
08.007.27    Borne by your golden-footed steeds, O Gods, come hither to receive
08.008.02    Bountiful, with your golden forms, Sages with depth of intellect.
08.020.08    The pivot of the Sobharis' chariot within the golden box is balmed with milk.
08.022.09    O Asvins, mount the chariot, mount the golden seat, ye who are Lords of plenteous wealth,
08.029.01    ONE is a youth brown, active, manifold he decks the golden one with ornament.
08.032.29    Hither let these thy Bays who share thy banquet, Steeds with golden manes,
08.033.11    Thy reins are very bulls in strength, bulls' strength is in thy golden whip.
08.050.06    Increaser of our steeds and multiplying kine, a golden well, O God, art thou,
08.054.10    Kine decked with golden ornaments.
08.055.03    Sakra, who like a curry-comb for horses or a golden goad,
08.057.03    The golden bolt that breaks its way.
08.082.24    These two who share his feast, Bay Steeds with golden manes, shall bring him to
09.005.05    The golden, the Celestial Doors are lifted with their frames on high,
09.005.10    The ever-green. the golden-hued, refulgent, with a thousand boughs.
09.007.06    Dear, golden-coloured, in the fleece he sinks and settles in the wood:
09.008.06    When purified within the jars, Soma, brightred and golden-hued,
09.064.20    What time the Swift One resteth in the golden place of sacrifice,
09.069.05    The golden-hued, Immortal, newly bathed, puts on a brightly shining vesture that is never harmed.
09.070.08    Bright, making pure his body free from spot and stain, on the sheep's back the Golden-coloured hath flowed down.
09.071.06    Like as a falcon to his home, so speeds the God to his own golden wisely-tashioned place to rest.
09.075.03    Sending forth flashes he hath bellowed to the jars, led by the men into the golden reservoir.
09.079.01    SPONTANEOUS let our drops of Soma juice flow on, pressed, golden-hued, among the Gods of lofty heaven.
09.085.11    Hymns kiss the Youngling worthy of laudation, resting on earth, the Bird of golden colour.
09.086.06    When on the sieve the Golden-hued is cleansed, he rests within the vats as one who seats him in his place.
09.086.27    The ceaseless watery fountains with their hundred streams sing, as they hasten near, to him the Golden-hued
09.086.33    The Golden-hued is poured forth, with his hundred streams, Wealth-bringer, lifting up his voice while purified.
09.086.42    When days begin, the strong juice, lovely, golden-hued, is recognized by wisdom more and more each day,
09.086.45    Distilling oil he flows, fair, billowy, golden-hued, borne on a car of light, sharing one hom-e with wealth.
09.096.02    Men decked with gold adorn his golden tendril, incessantly with steed-impelling homage.
09.097.09    He with the sharpened horns brings forth abundance: the Silvery shines by night, by day the Golden.
09.097.50    God Soma, send us chariot-drawing horses that they may bring us treasures bright and golden.
09.098.07    Him with the fleece they purify, brown, golden-hued, beloved of all,
09.099.02    What time the sacrificer's thoughts speed on his way the Golden-hued.
09.100.07    The mothers, void of guiles, caress thee Golden-coloured, in the sieve,
09.103.04    Golden-hued Soma, being cleansed, hath reached the bowls.
09.111.01    WITH this his golden splendour purifying him, he with his own allies subdues all enemies, as Sara with his own allies.
09.113.05    The juices of the juicy meet. Made pure by prayer, O Golden-hued, flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
10.037.09    O Surya with the golden hair, ascend for us day after day, still bringing purer innocence.
10.096.01    His who pours lovely oil as' twere with yellow drops. Let my songs enter thee whose form hath golden tints.
10.096.03    His is that thunderbolt, of iron, goldenhued, gold-coloured, very dear, and yellow in his arms;
10.096.03    Bright with strong teeth, destroying with its tawny rage. In Indra are set fast all forms of golden hue.
10.096.04    As if a lovely ray were laid upon the sky, the golden thunderbolt spread out as in a race.
10.096.05    Thou, thou, when praised by men who sacrificed of old. hadst pleasure in their lauds, O Indra golden-haired.
10.096.05    All that befits thy song of praise thou welcornest, the perfect pleasant gift, O Golden-hued from birth.
10.096.07    He who speeds on with Bay Steeds even as he lists hath satisfied his longing for the golden drops.
10.096.11    O Asura, disclose thou and make visible the Cow's beloved home to the bright golden Sun.
10.096.12    O Indra, let the eager wishes of the folk bring thee, delightful, golden-visored, on thy car,
10.101.09    Pour golden juice within the wooden vessel: with stone-made axes fashion ye and form it.
10.112.03    Deck out thy body with the fairest colours, with golden splendour of the Sun adorn it.
10.123.05    In his Friend's dwelling as a Friend he wanders: he, Vena, rests him on his golden pinion.
10.139.01    SAVITAR, golden-haired, hath lifted eastward, bright With the sunbeams, his eternal lustre;

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