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Results from Griffith:
06.047.05    He found the wavy sea of brilliant colours in forefront of the Dawns who dwell in brightness.
07.044.04    Foremost is Dadhikravan, vigorous courser; in forefront of the cars, his way he knoweth,
09.086.12    In forefront of the rivers Pavamana speeds, in forefront of the hymn, foremost among the kine.
09.096.01    IN forefront of the cars forth goes the Hero, the Leader, winning spoil: his host rejoices.
10.045.05    Good Son of Strength, a King amid the waters, in forefront of the Dawns he shines enkindled.
10.103.08    And let the banded Maruts march in forefront of heavenly hosts that conquer and demolish.

34 lines (6 unique) contain at least one forefront    |   new search