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Results from Griffith:
02.031.06    Trita, Rbhuksan, Savitar shall joy in us, and ihe Floods' swift Child in our worship and our prayer.
02.035.01    EAGER for spoil my flow of speech I utter: may the Floods' Child accept my songs with favour.
03.025.05    In the floods' home art thou enkindled, Agni, O Jatavedas, Son of Strength, eternal,
03.031.06    In the floods' van she led them forth, light-footed: she who well knew came first unto their lowing.
04.016.07    He smote away the floods' obstructer, Vrtra; Earth, conscious, lent her aid to speed thy thunder.
06.017.12    Thou settest free the rushing wave of waters, the floods' great swell encompassed and obstructed.
07.047.02    May the Floods' Offspring, he whose course is rapid, protect that wave most rich in sweets, O Waters,
08.016.02    Like the floods' longing for the sea.
10.124.09    They call him Swan, the abhorrent floods' Companion, moving in friendship with celestial Waters.
10.139.06    In the floods' track he found the bootyseeker: the rocky cow-pen's doors he threw wide open.

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