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Results from Griffith:
01.095.04 The germ of many, from the waters' bosom he goes forth, wise and great, of Godlike nature.
01.117.05 Like one who slumbered in destruction's bosom, or like the Sun when dwelling in the darkness.
01.123.10 And smiling youthful, as thou shinest brightly, before him thou discoverest thy bosom.
01.124.04 Near is she seen, as' twere the Bright One's bosom: she showeth sweet things like a new song-singer.
01.146.01 I LAUD the seven-rayed, the triple-headed, Agni all-perfect in his Parents' bosom,
01.164.32 He, yet enveloped in his Mother's bosom, source of much life, hath sunk into destruction.
01.185.02 Like your own son upon his parents' bosom, protect us, Heaven and earth, from fearful danger.
01.185.05 Faring together, young, with meeting limits, Twin Sisters lying in their Parents' bosom,
02.014.07 Ye ministers, to him who slew a hundred thousand, and cast them down upon earth's bosom;
02.035.09 The Waters' Son hath risen, and clothed in lightning ascended up unto the curled cloud's bosom;
03.001.09 From birth he knew even his Father's bosom, he set his voices and his streams in motion;
03.001.10 He nursed the Infant of the Sire and Maker: alone the Babe sucked many a teeming bosom.
03.008.01 Grant wealth to us when thou art standing upright as when reposing on this Mother's bosom.
03.029.14 Served by the seven priests, he shone forth from ancient time, when in his Mother's bosom, in her lap, he glowed.
03.030.14 A mighty splendour rests upon her bosom: bearing ripe milk the Cow, unripe, advances.
03.033.01 FORTH from the bosom of the mountains, eager as two swift mares with loosened rein contending,
04.001.11 In houses first he sprang into existence, at great heaven's base, and in this region's bosom;
05.001.06 Agni hath sat him down, a Priest most skilful, on a sweet-smelling place, his Mother's bosom.
05.042.13 Who made for us this All, in fond love laying each varied form within his Daughter's bosom.
06.007.05 When thou, arising from thy Parents' bosom, foundest the light for days' appointed courses.
06.008.04 The Migbty seized him in the bosom of the floods: the people waited on the King who should be praised.
06.062.06 Speeding with winged steeds through dustless spaces, out of the bosom of the flood they bore him.
06.064.02 Decking thyself, thou makest bare thy bosom, shining in majesty, thou Goddess Morning.
06.075.04 These, meeting like a woman and her lover, bear, mother-like, their child upon their bosom.
07.006.06 Agni Vaisvanara in his Parents, bosom hath found the choicest seat in earth and heaven.
07.009.01 ROUSED from their bosom is the Dawns' beloved, the joyous Priest, most sapient, Purifier.
07.034.15 May we find refuge in the Marut's bosom. Protect us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
07.056.07 Your rings, O Maruts, rest upon your shoulders, and chains of gold are twined upon your bosoms.
07.056.20 May we find shelter in the Marut's bosom. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
07.063.03 Refulgent from the bosom of the Mornings, he in Whom singers take delight ascendeth.
08.083.02 She in whose bosom all the Gods, and Sun and Moon for men to see,
08.085.13 The Black Drop sank in Amsumati's bosom, advancing with ten thousand round about it.
08.085.15 And then the Drop in Amsumati's bosom, splendid with light, assumed its proper body;
09.089.01 With us hath Soma with a thousand currents sunk in the wood, upon his Mother's bosom.
09.107.19 Close to thy bosom am I, Soma, day and night. O Tawny-hued, for friendship sake.
10.005.01 He hides him in the secret couple's bosom. The Bird dwells in the middle of the fountain.
10.005.07 Not Being, Being in the highest heaven, in Aditi's bosom and in Daksa's birthplace,
10.008.07 Carefully tended in his Parents' bosom, calling the weapons kin, goes forth to combat.
10.015.07 Lapped in the bosom of the purple Mornings, give riches to the man who brings oblations.
10.017.12 The Drop that falls, thy stalk which arms have shaken, which from the bosom of the press hath fallen,
10.018.10 Young Dame, wool-soft unto the guerdongiver, may she preserve tbee from Destruction's bosom.
10.032.08 Even now he breathed: these days hath he remembered. Concealed, he sucked the bosom of his Mother.
10.045.03 There as thou stoodest in the third high region the Steers increased thee in the water's bosom.
10.079.03 Seeking, as' twere, his Mother's secret bosom, he, like a child, creeps on through wide-spread bushes.
10.095.14 Then let his bed be in Destruction's bosom, and there let fierce rapacious wolves devour him.
45 lines (all unique) contain at least one bosom | new search